CEO, Founder
Vitali Karpeichyk
As the CEO and Founder of PigPug Health, Vitali is dedicated to improving the lives of children with ADHD and autism through our innovative AI drug-free platform. Drawing on his extensive experience as a developer and serial entrepreneur, including as CTO of Nito, which was acquired by AOL in 2016,he is passionate about leveraging technology to create positive change.
CAO, Co-Founder, Brain Researcher
Andrei Pliachko
Andrei is a researcher in the field of brain-computer interfaces, neurofeedback, biofeedback, and mental health. He is responsible for the field of individual and group neurofeedback-based training, starting with 6 years old children.
Yuliya Shved
Legal Consultant
International Tax Law Consultant.
Tax and corporate consulting (incl. banking, construction and customs is international tax planning, legal due diligence, etc.
Co-Founder, Neurofeedback Expert
M.F.T. and Certified Neurofeedback Practitioner in the Bay Area, California. Right now he is the major certified Neurofeedback instructor and supervisor for Hispanics in the US

Juan Ricardo Diaz
Industrial Designer
Ivan Shmatko
Highly skilled in Industrial Design and Product Development. Has experience designing medical and healthcare devices. Red Dot Design Award 2019 winner.
Lead Design Engineer
Andrei Savich
Experience in design of parts of varying complexity and preparation engineering documentation.
Senior Electronics Engineer
Dmitry Kremez
Strong expertise in analog and digital circuit design, PCB layout. Firmware.
Firmware Developer
Dzmitry Abramau
Bachelor degree in Physics.
More than 10 years experience in firmware development.
Wireless interfaces, low level drivers for various sensors.
Aliaksei Varyvada
Hardware Engineer
Bachelor degree in engineering. Experience in analog and digital circuit design, PCB layout.
Anna Oleshkevich
Anna has a deep knowledge in the fields of neurology and neurosurgery with more than10 years of experience. She is a current member of the EANS and the CNS, author of a number of scientific publications, active participant of international conferences.
Nadzeya Kurchych
Chief Research Officer

Nadzeya is a medical graduate who is fascinated by how advancements in technology could improve patient outcomes and streamline healthcare delivery. She is using her medical expertise to ensure that Healthtech solutions are effective, evidence-based and patient-centered.
Lena Labai
Business/Product Developer
MBA graduate, possesses extensive expertise in fintech and 3D printing manufacturing, focusing on product quality, and building robust marketing business relationships.She has a track record of managing, building, and launching highly successful B2C and B2B products that have reached millions of customers in the mobile apps, online/web, and digital space.
Development Strategies Adviser
Digital Medtech Advisor
Medical Advisor
Giles Lowe
David Maltz
Andrew Sokol
Advisory board
Giles Lowe specializes in exquisitely crafted consumer products. Located in the heart of Silicon Valley, he provides clients both the expertise for creating powerful development strategies and the experience to produce effective tactical solutions. With a thorough understanding of the demands of time to market, he drives time-tested development processes for the successful launch of great products.
David Maltz is Managing Partner of Intervalent, an advisory and consulting firm in San Francisco, CA that specializes in product development, innovation, and business strategy. Intervalent was founded to support the development of consumer-facing medtech and digital medicine companies that marry sophisticated technologies with an elegant and accessible design that can meet all regulatory requirements. David has over 25 years of experience in life sciences product design & development, including technical and leadership positions at Novartis Pharma, Nektar Therapeutics, Game Ready, and Bridge Design.
PhD, Assistant, lecturer, department of human anatomy at the Belarusian State Medical University.
Autism Advocate, Startup Advisor
Cathy Farmer
Results and detailed oriented in all aspects of
technical, operational & project deliverables.
Wide and varied experiences in product/project
management, strategy, management, technical
consulting, programming and testing.
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