Just to remind you that ADHD is one of the most common mental illnesses in childhood and adolescence.
ADHD is more common in boys than in girls, with a ratio of 2–3 to 1 reported in community prevalence studies.
Epidemiological studies have shown no change in the worldwide population-based prevalence of 5-7% over the last 30 years. Rising rates of diagnosis are thus not due to a real increase in prevalence, but rather to improved diagnosis or to an increase in functional impairment.
Sayal, K., Prasad, V., Daley, D., Ford, T., & Coghill, D. (2018). ADHD in children and young people: prevalence, care pathways, and service provision. The Lancet Psychiatry, 5(2), 175–186. doi:10.1016/s2215-0366(17)30167-0
Banaschewski, T., Becker, K., Döpfner, M., Holtmann, M., Rösler, M., & Romanos, M. (2017). Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Current Overview. Deutsches Aerzteblatt Online. doi:10.3238/arztebl.2017.0149